How Untreated Hearing Loss May Lead to Loneliness
Loneliness is the feeling of being alone, regardless of how much social connection one has, while social isolation is a lack of social contact. Though social isolation can lead to loneliness, some people feel lonely without being socially isolated. Hearing loss is a risk factor for both feelings of loneliness and social isolation/withdrawal. We explore…
Hearing Aids Can Help Your Mental and Cognitive Health
Hearing aids can do more than improve your hearing ability. Research has shown they can also help prevent or delay the onset of cognitive and mental health issues like dementia, depression and anxiety. The Connection Between Hearing Loss and Cognitive and Mental Health Researchers at the University of Michigan examined the association between hearing aids…
Trouble Processing Sounds Associated with Decline in Other Cognitive Functions
Do you enjoy taking classes at Art Works of Vero? While it may be easy to follow along now, if you have hearing loss, it could make it difficult – especially because a recent study has linked a certain type of hearing loss with mild cognitive impairment. About the Study The research team, led by…
How Hearing Aids Can Help Your Brain
At present, there is no cure for dementia. This is worrisome since the population’s age is steadily rising, as is the prevalence of this cognitive impairment. Fortunately, hearing aids have been shown to possibly prevent or delay a dementia diagnosis. The Link Between Hearing Loss & Dementia Hearing loss is a well-established risk factor for…
The Impact of Untreated Hearing Loss on Your Brain Health
When you leave your hearing loss untreated, you put yourself at an increased risk of falling, developing depression or anxiety and experiencing cognitive decline. Recent research shows exactly what impact untreated hearing loss can have on your brain health, which we review below. About the Study In 2019, researchers from Brigham and Women’s Hospital and…
Don’t Wait to Get a Hearing Aid – 5 Reasons to Act Now
According to the CDC, hearing loss is the third most common chronic physical condition in the U.S., affecting approximately 48 million Americans. Yet despite its prevalence, there still seems to be a stigma around wearing hearing aids. In fact, only about one in five people who could benefit from a hearing aid actually wears one….
Speech-in-Noise Hearing Impairment Associated with Increased Dementia Risk
If you only have trouble hearing and following conversations in noisy environments like Ocean Grill, you may feel that your hearing isn’t that bad and doesn’t pose any risks to your health or wellbeing. However, recent research shows that people with a speech-in-noise hearing impairment having an elevated risk of developing dementia. What the Research…
Hearing Aids & Healthy Brain Function
One common misconception about hearing loss is that it only affects the ears, but this is far from true. Because the ears and brain work together to help you hear, both are affected when it comes to hearing loss. Below we explore the link between hearing loss and cognitive decline as well as discuss how…
The Life-Changing Benefits of Hearing Aids
Hearing loss affects more than just your ability to hear. It can impact your relationships, your mental health, physical wellness, cognitive abilities and your overall quality of life. Below we explore some of the impacts of untreated hearing loss and how hearing aids can change your life for the better. Hearing Loss & Dementia Hearing…
What Is Auditory Deprivation?
If you don’t work out your muscles, they’ll become weak over time. The same is true for the parts of your brain responsible for hearing; when you have hearing loss, they don’t get the exercise they need. The result is auditory deprivation. What Causes Auditory Deprivation? When hearing is normal, incoming sound signals are encoded…