Steps To Protect Your Hearing at Home
It’s important to protect your hearing health no matter where you are. This includes your home. While they may not be easily recognizable, many common at-home activities or things you keep around the house have the potential to harm your ears and cause hearing loss. Let’s examine a few of these risks as well as…
What You Should Know About Asymmetrical Hearing Loss
Asymmetrical hearing loss is just as it sounds: hearing loss that affects one ear more than the other. In this post, we review the signs, causes and treatment of asymmetric hearing loss. Signs of Asymmetric Hearing Loss If you have asymmetrical hearing loss, you may find yourself relying on your “good ear,” and you may…
What Is TMJ-Related Hearing Loss?
Your temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the hinge between the temporal bone and the lower jaw. When you experience dysfunction of the TMJ, it is known as TMJ disorder. Because the TMJ is located so close to the ears, it can affect their function as well, causing symptoms such as pain, tinnitus and hearing loss. We…
What Are the Differences Between Being Deaf & Hard of Hearing?
One study published in the Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education reports, “fewer than 1 in 20 Americans are currently deaf or hard of hearing.” After reading this statistic, you may be wondering what exactly the difference is between being deaf and hard of hearing. We answer this question below. The Classifications of Hearing…
Facts about Hearing Loss for Audiology Awareness Month
In honor of October being Audiology Awareness Month, we’d like to highlight some key facts about hearing loss as well as ways you can take control of your hearing health. Hearing Loss Basics Hearing loss risk increases with age. The older you get, the more likely you are to experience hearing loss. According to the…
What Are Frequent Causes of Hearing Loss in Seniors?
As you age, your risk of hearing loss increases. Close to 25% of those aged 65 to 74 and 50% of those who are 75 and older have disabling hearing loss. Let’s look at what causes the increased risk of hearing loss with age, as well as the steps you can take to protect and…
Is There a Link Between Balance Disorders & Anxiety?
If you’re walking down Lagoon Greenway and suddenly you’re feeling off-balance, unsure of your footing or that the world around you is spinning, you might start to feel panicked. Unfortunately, this is the reality for the more than 90 million adults who have experienced dizziness or a balance problem. In this post, we review the…
How To Help Your Child Adjust To Wearing Hearing Aids in the Classroom
Before your child heads back to Vero Beach Elementary School, you want to ensure they have everything they need to succeed. If your child wears hearing aids, you might need to take a few additional steps to help them be fully prepared for the new school year. Speak With Your Child’s Teacher About Their Hearing…
Working Around Cars May Increase Your Risk of Hearing Loss
You may think of the main cause of hearing loss being old age, but did you know that where you work can also contribute to hearing loss? Factory workers, construction workers, farmers, entertainment workers, ambulance drivers, airline workers, teachers and even automobile technicians are all at risk. Below we review how working around cars in…
How Does Noise Pollution Impact Your Health?
Think of the noises that drive you crazy: a barking dog, a screaming child or road construction. Not only can these sounds bother you, but constant exposure can also impact your health. We review what noise pollution is, where it comes from, how it can impact you and how you can avoid it below. What…