The Impact of Untreated Hearing Loss on Your Brain Health
When you leave your hearing loss untreated, you put yourself at an increased risk of falling, developing depression or anxiety and experiencing cognitive decline. Recent research shows exactly what impact untreated hearing loss can have on your brain health, which we review below. About the Study In 2019, researchers from Brigham and Women’s Hospital and…
Speech-in-Noise Hearing Impairment Associated with Increased Dementia Risk
If you only have trouble hearing and following conversations in noisy environments like Ocean Grill, you may feel that your hearing isn’t that bad and doesn’t pose any risks to your health or wellbeing. However, recent research shows that people with a speech-in-noise hearing impairment having an elevated risk of developing dementia. What the Research…
Strategies for Coping with Brain Fog Caused by Hearing Problems
Do you ever feel tired or ‘foggy’ after a social event or long conversation? Do you find it hard to follow along at all-day conferences at Indian River State College Schreiber Conference Center? If so, you’re not alone. It turns out this feeling of brain fog is common for people with hearing loss. Below we…
Risk of Dementia Doubles for Those with Hearing & Vision Loss
A lot changes as we age, both for better and for worse. We become wiser; we create memories with our loved ones, like taking walks around the Lagoon Greenway; we develop wrinkles around our eyes after years of laughter, and maybe we lose some of our hearing and eyesight. While these changes are normal, some…
Hearing Loss Associated with Memory and Mental Health Problems During Pandemic
There’s a lot of turmoil and conflict going on in the world, but there’s one thing we can all agree on: this pandemic is hard to cope with. While stay-at-home orders are important for keeping us safe from the virus, they’ve also caused many to be cut off from their support systems and spend more…
Can Audiologists Help Detect Cognitive Decline?
What comes to mind when you think about what audiologists do? Many people think of things like conducting hearing tests and fitting hearing aids. Both these things are true, but the role of audiologists is much more involved. In some cases, they play a key role in identifying cognitive decline early. What Do Audiologists Do?…
The Link Between Hearing Loss & Cognitive Decline
When you think about the risks of untreated hearing loss, what comes to mind? Many people would mention difficulty communicating with others, strained relationships and feelings of isolation. But did you know that untreated hearing loss is also associated with a higher risk of developing dementia? We explore this connection below. What the Studies Show…
Can Lost Hearing Be Restored?
For some, the news that they have hearing loss is devastating. This is in part due to the fact that the rehabilitation process can be lengthy, expensive and difficult. The good news is the sooner you seek treatment, the better your outcomes. While there is no quick fix for hearing loss and it is not…
Can Cardio Help Your Hearing?
As 2020 wraps up and the COVID-19 vaccine gives us a sense of hope for the new year, many people will be itching to get back in the gym in the upcoming months. There are many benefits to cardiovascular fitness, including improved mood, better sleep and sharper cognition. Research also shows that getting the recommended…
Dealing with Hearing Loss in the Workplace
The Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA) reports that approximately 60% of Americans with hearing loss are in either the workforce or an educational setting. While hearing loss may mean you need a few accommodations, it doesn’t mean you can’t be as productive or efficient as your colleagues with normal hearing. Most issues stem from…