Home Safety Tips for Those with Hearing Loss
Hearing loss is an incredibly common condition, with approximately 15% of Americans aged 18 or older reporting some trouble hearing. If you or someone you love has hearing loss, you may need to take extra precautions to keep your home safe. Hearing Loss and Security Systems It may be harder to hear an attempted break-in…
Can OTC Pain Relievers Cause Tinnitus?
Over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers have been helping people kick headaches and overcome sprained ankles for generations. However, new research has linked frequent use of these drugs to tinnitus. We review the study below. What Is Tinnitus? Have you ever been standing too close to a Vero Beach Volunteer Fire Dept. station when a truck pulls…
Protect Your Hearing While You Rock Out: Why You Should Wear Earplugs at Concerts
You might think wearing earplugs to a concert at Blue Bamboo Music defeats the purpose of seeing a live show. However, proper ear protection can prevent damage to your hearing while still allowing you to enjoy the music you love. Risks of Loud Music Loud music and other high-volume noises can increase your risk of…
Hearing Loss and Safe Driving
We’ve all heard the expression “Keep your eyes on the road”, but it’s important to have the ability to hear what’s going on while driving as well. If you have untreated hearing loss, you may be risking your safety and the safety of others when you drive. How Hearing Impacts Driving Your ability to hear…
Can Hearing Aids Slow Cognitive Decline?
If you’re forgetful, purchasing a day planner from Vero Beach Book Center may help. But if you experience forgetfulness due to cognitive decline, there’s another solution that may help even more: wearing hearing aids. Recent research shows that wearing hearing aids may delay cognitive decline and improve brain function in older adults. Hearing Loss Statistics…
What Sounds Could Hearing Loss Cause You to Miss?
It’s easy to forget how many of our favorite things in life are associated with particular sounds. Things like: Listening to your favorite song Going to the movies Enjoying conversation with friends Hearing your children or grandchildren laughing on the playground at Charles Park. When you have hearing loss, these sounds can start to be…
How Does Hearing Loss Impact Cognitive Decline?
Research has shown that hearing loss can increase a person’s risk of cognitive decline and dementia. A 2013 study published in JAMA Internal Medicine found that older adults with hearing loss had a 24% increased risk of cognitive impairment compared to those with normal hearing. Thankfully, being proactive about your hearing health can not only…
How Gender Affects Hearing Loss
Many things can affect your likelihood of having hearing loss, including age, certain illnesses and exposure to loud noises. It appears gender might be a risk factor for hearing loss as well. Men tend to have higher rates of hearing loss than women of a similar age. However, this has more to do with lifestyle…
How to Handle the Holidays with Hearing Loss
Thanksgiving has already come and gone, and we are right in the middle of the holiday season. No matter how you celebrate this time of year, chances are your social calendars are quite packed! Whether it’s family get-togethers, office parties, or a trip to the Magic of McKee Festival of Lights you’re probably preparing for…
The Heritage of Hearing and How Genetics Plays a Part
Many diseases and conditions seem to have a genetic component to them, and researchers continue to learn more about those connections every day. From cancer to heart conditions to rare disorders, genetics can often play a role in increasing your risk of developing certain conditions. This is true for some types of hearing loss as…