What Are the Differences Between Being Deaf & Hard of Hearing?
One study published in the Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education reports, “fewer than 1 in 20 Americans are currently deaf or hard of hearing.” After reading this statistic, you may be wondering what exactly the difference is between being deaf and hard of hearing. We answer this question below. The Classifications of Hearing…
Facts about Hearing Loss for Audiology Awareness Month
In honor of October being Audiology Awareness Month, we’d like to highlight some key facts about hearing loss as well as ways you can take control of your hearing health. Hearing Loss Basics Hearing loss risk increases with age. The older you get, the more likely you are to experience hearing loss. According to the…
What Are Frequent Causes of Hearing Loss in Seniors?
As you age, your risk of hearing loss increases. Close to 25% of those aged 65 to 74 and 50% of those who are 75 and older have disabling hearing loss. Let’s look at what causes the increased risk of hearing loss with age, as well as the steps you can take to protect and…
Working Around Cars May Increase Your Risk of Hearing Loss
You may think of the main cause of hearing loss being old age, but did you know that where you work can also contribute to hearing loss? Factory workers, construction workers, farmers, entertainment workers, ambulance drivers, airline workers, teachers and even automobile technicians are all at risk. Below we review how working around cars in…
How Does Noise Pollution Impact Your Health?
Think of the noises that drive you crazy: a barking dog, a screaming child or road construction. Not only can these sounds bother you, but constant exposure can also impact your health. We review what noise pollution is, where it comes from, how it can impact you and how you can avoid it below. What…
Tips to Keep Your Ears Healthy
Your sense of hearing helps keep you connected with your loved ones and the world around you. In order to preserve it, it’s important to take measures to keep your ears healthy. We review some tips below. Clean Your Ears Safely Your earwax has the important job of trapping dirt and debris, preventing it from…
Four Ways to Prepare for Your First Audiologist Visit
You’ve grown tired of struggling to hear at the movies and when you’re out to a family dinner at Mulligan’s Beach House, so you decided to make an appointment with an audiologist. This is a great first step in prioritizing your hearing health. However, you may be feeling overwhelmed and unsure of how to prepare….
The Link Between Hearing Loss & Chickenpox
Chickenpox, a viral infection characterized by an itchy rash and blisters, is a mild disease in most cases. However, for those who have never had it and have not been vaccinated, it can result in hospitalization or even death. Fortunately, the number of serious cases has dropped drastically since the early 1990s, thanks to immunizations….
How Can I Protect My Hearing at Sporting Events?
Take me out to the ball game… But don’t forget to bring hearing protection! Sports stadiums like Hard Rock Stadium can be dangerously noisy, and you can experience noise-induced hearing loss if you aren’t careful. We review tips for protecting your hearing at the next game below. How Loud Sounds Cause Damage Inside the inner…
Machine Learning Enhances Speech Recognition
Speech recognition is one of the biggest struggles for people with hearing loss. A new study created a human speech recognition model based on deep machine learning that produced exciting results. Hearing Loss Makes Understanding Speech Harder Hearing loss can affect your ability to understand speech in a variety of ways. It can make it…